Tree Preservation Orders

Trees are an important part of our environment offering great amenity value and enhancing the areas in which we live, work and play. Chapel Tree Services work closely with the Tree Officers in Herefordshire, Monmouth and the Forest of Dean to ensure that any work we carry out is done with the appropriate permission.

Expert Tree Services

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

In order to protect trees of particular value, local planning authorities can issue a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). These can cover an individual tree or a group of trees or area of trees and woodlands and there are around 500 Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) in Herefordshire, covering 743,000 individual trees. These orders prohibit the cutting down or pruning of trees as well as any wilful damage or destruction of the trees. These orders can be viewed on the Tree Preservation Order map for each authority. Herefordshire Council and Forest of Dean Council have interactive maps for their Tree Preservation Orders. For Monmouthshire, a request must be sent through to their planning department to find out if a Tree is subject to a TPO.

Tree - looking up into tree tops
tree top work, one man on ropes

The Need for Tree Preservation ORders

Conservation Areas in Herefordshire

Trees in the UK (over 7.5cm in diameter) are also protected if they fall within a conservation area, an area of special architectural or historic interest which is covered by planning legislation to preserve or enhance their character or appearance. There are currently 64 conservation areas in Herefordshire and much of Ross on Wye town centre and riverside is protected by a conservation area.

expert tree work

Planning Permission for Tree Work

Trees within a conservation area or subject to a tree preservation order (TPO) must not be cut or damaged without permission from the relevant authority. The penalty for cutting trees without consent is up to a £20,000 fine. For trees in a conservation area the Council have 6 weeks to consider the application and decide whether to grant consent or make an Order on the tree. For trees already covered by a tree preservation order (TPO) the Council has 8 weeks to review the application and will work with various stakeholders to see if there are any objections to the proposed work.

We will check if there are any restrictions on your trees

At Chapel Trees we will check if there are any restrictions on your trees at the time of quoting for any work and if a planning application is required, we will take care of this on your behalf. We will complete the planning forms, provide location maps, a detailed assessment of the tree work required and liaise with the Council Tree Officers in Herefordshire, Monmouthshire or the Forest of Dean. All this is included in our pricing. If consent is not granted we charge a small administrative fee for the work carried out and can help with the appeals process if appropriate.

Planning Permissions Paperwork Shot

Contact our team today

Please see our FAQs or contact us for further information about any of our services. You can call us on: 01989 565647 email us at or fill in our contact form.

We also offer an Emergency 24 Hour call out service for those who need help with their trees urgently. You can reach us anytime on the emergency line: 07980602499.